Sims BB2 summary

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The following is a list of events that occurred during the second season of Big Brother.

Week 1[edit | edit source]

Day 1[edit | edit source]

  • The original twelve housemates entered the House on Day 1.
  • Soon after the mingling had begun, Big Brother called for one housemate to enter the Diary Room; Ian was the first to enter.
  • He learned that he had been crowned the new Head of Household on the spot.
  • Within thirty minutes of receiving the most powerful position int he House, Ian was forced to nominate two housemates on the spot; he chose Amalia and Nick.
  • Amalia became very emotional, while Nick attempted to remain calm and collected.
  • Jasmin and Michelle developed a dislike for one another.
  • Monica and Sam bonded. Ben and Michael formed a bond. Michael and Monica formed a bond.
  • Chelsea and Nick formed a bond. Max and Sam formed a bond.

Day 2[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates spent the day getting to know one another.
  • Amalia felt that her nomination on the first night had hindered her ability to form bonds.
  • Ian and Jasmin formed a bond. They decided to form the first alliance of the season, consisting of themselves, Ben, and Chelsea.
  • The group decided to call themselves Quatro.
  • Max and Michelle bonded. Brooke and Michelle bonded. Monica and Nick had a small disagreement.
  • Amalia and Michelle began to become friends. Brooke and Chelsea also began to form a bond due to their similar professions.
  • Max discussed with Nick the possibility of getting his vote.
  • Michelle and Max approached Ian about a potential alliance; he declined, claiming he did not want to enter alliances this soon.
  • Jasmin and Monica had a heart to heart as black women.

Day 3[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates awoke to find their first weekly task of the season.
  • This week's task, titled "Buzzed In", involved the housemates having to hit a button in the backyard within ten seconds of an alarm sounding.
  • If the housemates hit the button in time every time for 48 hours, they would win a prize.
  • Amalia and Jasmin began to form a close bond. Jasmin and Sam also began to form a bond with one another.
  • Nick continued to campaign for votes, while Amalia felt that laying low and waiting until the Veto had been played was a smarter plan.
  • Amalia and Max had a long discussion, and the pair promised to help one another.
  • Nick and Amalia discussed their positions in the game, and promised if one of them came off the block they would help the other.
  • Ben and Michelle bonded.

Day 4[edit | edit source]

  • The new Quatro alliance discussed who to evict, and saw Nick as a bigger threat.
  • Despite Nick's attempts to bond with Ian, his constant trash talking behind his back began to circulate around the House.
  • Nick, Sam, Michelle, and Michael formed the 4x4 alliance, a four person alliance formed on Day 4.
  • Michelle and Brooke discussed the vote and working together in the game.
  • Housemates continued their "Buzzed In" weekly task, having completed the first twenty-four hours without failure.
  • Ben and Michael formed a two person alliance.
  • Nick tried to get Michelle's vote, though she wouldn't commit. This led to Nick becoming paranoid, and working overtime to get the votes to stay.

Day 5[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates completed their weekly task, and earned a Japanese themed dinner for the night.
  • The vote seemed to flip by the hour as to who would be evicted.
  • Amalia and Chelsea formed a bond, and Chelsea attempted to convince her alliance to keep Amalia.
  • Sam, Michael, and Brooke were chosen to compete in this week's Power of Veto competition, to be held the next day.
  • Nick began to sway the vote to go his way, countering that Amalia didn't have her head in the game and would not make a helpful ally in the House.
  • Jasmin and Michelle continued to not get along.

Day 6[edit | edit source]

  • The votes continued to shift back and forth.
  • Housemates prepared for the upcoming Veto competition; Monica was chosen to host.
  • Ben and Brooke formed a close bond.
  • Housemates competed in the "Sweet Dreams, Honey" Power of Veto competition; Nick was the winner.
  • Having spent five days deciding who to evict, the housemates feared who a replacement nominee would be.
  • The Quatro alliance discussed nominating Michelle as the replacement nominee.
  • Chelsea and Jasmin discussed the status of the alliance, and wanted Ian to take out a big threat in the first week.

Day 7[edit | edit source]

  • Early in the morning, Ian discussed with Chelsea and Jasmin the possibility of targeting Sam this week.
  • The group spoke with Ben and got him on board as well.
  • Ian spoke with several housemates prior to the Veto ceremony, hoping to make a decision.
  • Nick chose to use the Power of Veto on himself this week, with Sam being chosen as the replacement nominee.
  • Sam and his allies were shocked by this decision.
  • While Quatro assured Amalia that she would be safe this week, Sam began working for votes.
  • Ian and Sam had a small argument over the nomination.
  • Amalia attempted to campaign for votes, but found herself overwhelmed with the hard realities of playing the game.

Day 8[edit | edit source]

  • Michelle and Nick worked on getting the votes to save Sam.
  • Amalia continued to attempt to gain the votes to stay, alongside the help of Quatro.
  • Two dummies were placed in the lounge room of the House, prompting the housemates to wonder what they meant.
  • Chelsea theorized that two more housemates would enter the game soon.
  • Sam attempted to use the dummies to his advantage, using the twist as an excuse for the House to keep a strong competitor.
  • Ben had promised his Quatro alliance he would evict Sam, though began to debate keeping him.
  • The group had a new meeting to discuss the status of the vote, though decided that it was still smarter to evict Sam.

Day 9[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for their first live eviction.
  • Leading up to the live vote, the housemates were still undecided on who would be evicted.
  • Amalia became the first housemate to be evicted this season in a five to four vote.
  • Following the eviction, housemates competed in the "Majority Rules" Head of Household competition; Michelle was the winner.
  • Brian and Camila were revealed to the viewers as the new Wildcard housemates, and entered the House live.
  • Housemates were given a party to welcome the new entrants.
  • Brian and Camila promised to help take each other far into the game, as both felt like outsiders.
  • Camila and Monica bonded. Ben and Brian bonded.
  • Michelle's 4x4 alliance considered their target for the week, and felt that Ben was a strong social threat.

Week 2[edit | edit source]

Day 10[edit | edit source]

  • Michelle considered using Jasmin as a pawn, as she did not like her.
  • Ian and Michael had a talk, alluding to the fact that they were both in differing alliances and vowing to work together.
  • Brian and Monica discussed a potential alliance, including Camila. The trio formed the Three Muskateers alliance.
  • Chelsea and Nick clashed. Camila and Chelsea began to form a bond.
  • Michelle and Sam began to form a flirtatious relationship. Brian and Nick bonded.
  • Both Quatro and 4x4 hoped to gain the new kids on their side.
  • Brooke, Ian, Jasmin, and Michael became the new Have-Nots for the week.
  • Housemates were given the "Blockbuster" weekly task.
  • Throughout the week, housemates would be required to act out scenes from the mock upcoming film Bitter Betrayals.
  • To win the task, all housemates had to participate in at least two scenes, and gain the "directors" approval based on their effort.

Day 11[edit | edit source]

  • With nominations looming, 4x4 set their sights on Ben.
  • Jasmin attempted to have a talk and fix things with Michelle, though it didn't go well.
  • Ben and Max formed a bond. Michael and Jasmin had a small argument.
  • Michelle spoke with several housemates, who felt that Jasmin complained about life in the House too much.
  • Though she spoke with her allies about targeting Jasmin, they were opposed to the idea.
  • Michelle chose to nominate Ben and Jasmin for eviction; though she claimed Ben was her target, she hoped Jasmin would be evicted.
  • Quatro found themselves in a hard place, with two members on the block.
  • Ben solidified with Ben and Chelsea that he would have their votes, with them viewing him as a stronger ally.
  • Jasmin and Michelle had another argument after the nominations.

Day 12[edit | edit source]

  • That morning Monica, Chelsea, and Max were chosen to compete in this week's Power of Veto competition; Tommie Davis entered to host.
  • Housemates discussed strategies regarding the competition.
  • Ben won the "License to Veto" Power of Veto competition, with Jasmin coming in second.
  • With her alliance's main target off the block, Michelle pushed once more for Jasmin to be evicted this week.
  • Ian and Michelle talked, and she promised him safety as a thank you for him not nominating her the week prior.
  • Nick and Sam discussed the possibility of backdooring Chelsea.
  • Jasmin began to feel alone in the game, and started to isolate herself from the others.
  • Ben spoke with Brooke about a possible alliance.

Day 13[edit | edit source]

  • Michelle spoke with several housemates, and debating nominating Chelsea as a pawn.
  • Camila and Michelle spoke about Michelle's competition win, and how it was important for the women to stick together.
  • Chelsea and Camila bonded further. Brian found himself bonding well with the men of the House.
  • Ben and Michael reaffirmed their deal.
  • Brooke and Nick had an argument over his attitude, with Brooke claiming he was too arrogant.
  • Housemates were given a party for the night.
  • Tensions hit an all time high with Jasmin and Michelle, with a large argument ensuing after the drinks were served.

Day 14[edit | edit source]

  • Ben used the Power of Veto to remove himself from the block, with Chelsea being nominated in his place.
  • Realizing their short time together was over, the Quatro alliance struggled to recover from the blow.
  • Chelsea and Jasmin began to bicker.
  • Brooke and Michael bonded. Camila and Jasmin bonded.
  • Ben and Brooke continued their discussion into the dynamics of the House, and plotted who should be evicted.

Day 15[edit | edit source]

  • Brooke and Michael continued to bond, and she unknowingly found herself in the middle of two alliances.
  • Monica and Sam formed a bond. Chelsea and Michael formed a bond. Jasmin and Max bonded, and she attempted to gain his vote.
  • Housemates discussed the upcoming eviction, and most agreed Jasmin should go.
  • Michelle attempted to make amends with Jasmin, though this only led to yet another argument.
  • The housemates learned that they had passed their "Blockbuster" weekly task, and earned a luxury competition.
  • Housemates entered a hurricane machine and won all of the money they could claim.
  • Ian and Michael clashed, and the beginnings of a divide in the House started to form.

Day 16[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for this week's eviction.
  • Jasmin became the second housemate to be evicted, receiving all ten eviction votes.
  • Housemates competed in the "BB Knockout" Head of Household competition; Chelsea was the winner.
  • With the power back in their hands, but one member short, the alliance formerly known as Quatro plotted on how to advance in the game.
  • Michelle confided her fears of nomination with Sam, as she had nominated Chelsea last week.

Week 3[edit | edit source]

Day 17[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates awoke to find a pen full of chickens in the backyard.
  • The group learned that this week's "Early Risers" task required them to care for the chickens for the week.
  • Chelsea hoped to evict a big target this week while getting minimal blood on her hands.
  • Michelle attempted to make a deal with Chelsea; she politely declined.
  • Ben and Ian speculated that an alliance had formed in the House that Michelle, Sam, and Nick were apart of.
  • Brooke and Chelsea began to bond, and the Quatro alliance discussed adding her to the group.
  • Chelsea and Camila solidified their bond as an official duo, and promised to help one another make it to the end.
  • Camila and Monica discussed the Three Musketeers, and noted that Brian was distant.
  • Meanwhile, Brian formed the The Bros alliance with Michael, Nick, and Sam.

Day 18[edit | edit source]

  • 4x4 knew that Michelle would be on the block this week, and began finding allies.
  • Chelsea grew suspicious of Max and his decision to remain out of any alliances in the House.
  • Ben discussed with Brooke the potential of forming an alliance together, though did not mention the Quatro group to her.
  • Chelsea nominated Max and Michelle for eviction.
  • Max and Chelsea had a small argument over his nomination, though made amends.
  • Michael began campaigning for Michelle to stay.
  • He gained the support of The Bros alliance, as well as Monica and Brooke's approval.

Day 19[edit | edit source]

  • Camila, Monica, and Sam were chosen to compete in this week's Power of Veto competition; Ian was the host.
  • Max won the "Slap Shot" competition.
  • The competition saw Monica forced to wear a unitard, while Michelle had to endure a 24 hour isolation.
  • Sam won a $5,000 prize, Chelsea won a phone call from home, and Camila won a Hawaii vacation.
  • Chelsea decided fairly quickly that Nick would be the replacement nominee.
  • Camila and Michael were given a secret mission by Big Brother. The pair had a private party in the Diary Room, and had to hide this from their fellow housemates.
  • The two returned the Diary Room at half hour intervals for more drinks, and if the group learned they were drinking they would lose the task.
  • Michael and Camila succeeded in their secret mission, and the housemates earned a party that night.

Day 20[edit | edit source]

  • Michael approached Brooke about potentially working together this week.
  • Brooke decided she preferred to work with Ben, and informed him of Michael's plotting to control the vote.
  • Ben reported this finding back to Chelsea and his allies, and the group began to think that Michael was a bigger threat than they thought.
  • Chelsea spoke with Brooke and Camila, and ensured their votes should she choose to backdoor someone this week.
  • In an attempt to keep her decision a secret, Chelsea told Sam that she would be nominating Brian as the replacement nominee this week.
  • Ben and Camila formed a bond. Monica and Max formed a bond.

Day 21[edit | edit source]

  • Max chose to use the Power of Veto on himself, with Michael being nominated in his place.
  • Chelsea's decision shocked most of the House, and several arguments occurred in the House as a result.
  • Ben and Ian worked to secure the five votes needed to evict Michael from the House.
  • Chelsea assured Michelle that she would be safe this week.
  • Brooke, Camila, and Brian all agreed to vote to evict Michael this week; unbeknownst to them, Brian was lying.
  • The housemates spent most of the night campaigning.

Day 22[edit | edit source]

  • Michelle and Nick had an argument over his decision to evict her.
  • Brian and Camila discussed their weakening bond in the House, and agreed that they had wound up on separate sides.
  • Brooke and Michael had an argument when he called her out on where her vote lied; she confirmed that she would be voting to evict him this week.
  • Max agreed to evict Michelle this week.
  • Housemates played a trivia quiz about events from the previous season; Brooke was the winner.
  • Due to her win, Brooke got to choose the food of choice at that night's party given to the housemates.

Day 23[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for the live eviction.
  • Both sides of the House believed that they had the votes needed for their desired outcome.
  • Michelle was evicted from the House in a five to four vote.
  • Housemates began the "Livin' on the Edge" competition.
  • Max was the winner of the competition, with Nick coming in second and Camila in third.
  • With the majority of the last vote in power, the six of them decided to form a new alliance this week.
  • In a reference to the previous season, the group named themselves the Silent Six.

Week 4[edit | edit source]

Day 24[edit | edit source]

  • With a clear divide in the House and no one's allegiance unaccounted for, those outside of the Silent Six accepted their fate.
  • Housemates began training for the "Greatest Obstacle Course Ever" task, which would be performed on Day 28.
  • Chelsea and Max made amends after the events of last week.
  • The group learned of the Wildcard housemate twist; Sam won the "Flaringo Toss" competition. He chose to save Nick as his plus one.
  • Ben, Brian, Monica, and Sam became the Have-Nots for this week.
  • The Silent Six set their sights on Ben.

Day 25[edit | edit source]

  • Brooke and Ben spoke with Max about keeping them safe; he debated taking the deal.
  • Housemates continued to train for this week's task.
  • Camila spoke with Brian about him helping her remain safe; he agreed, but lied.
  • Max spoke with his alliance about potentially backdooring Ben, hoping that the Veto would not be used and he wouldn't have to be nominated.
  • Max nominated Camila and Ian for eviction, hoping Ian would be evicted.
  • While Camila became emotional following her nomination, Ian began campaigning right off the bat.
  • Nick and Sam, hoping for Ben to be evicted, made a deal with Camila to use the Veto on her in exchange for safety.

Day 26[edit | edit source]

  • Training for this week's task continued.
  • Brian, Chelsea, and Sam were chosen to compete in this week's Power of Veto.
  • Housemates competed in the "BB Candy Shop" Power of Veto competition; Brian was the winner.
  • Camila spoke with Brian about using the Veto, though he told her that he was unsure about what he would do with his power.
  • Monica and Camila spoke about continuing to work together, despite their opposing alliances.
  • Michael worked to remain under the radar, having been the cause of the House divide and hoping to avoid the heat from it.

Day 27[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates competed in their weekly task; the group failed.
  • Nick and Sam urged Brian to use the Power of Veto this week, as The Bros wanted Ben evicted.
  • The group spoke with Max, who remained resistant to the idea.
  • Ben, Chelsea, and Ian vowed to remain strong, holding true to the Quatro alliance.
  • In an attempt to gain favor with his new alliance, Max agreed to nominate Ben.
  • Rumors spread and Camila heard that Brian would be using the Veto on Ian, and the two had a very public argument.
  • Monica and Michael made a final two deal.

Day 28[edit | edit source]

  • Ben attempted to make deals with Max, to no avail.
  • Brian chose to use the Power of Veto on Ian, with Ben being nominated in his place.
  • While Ian hoped to save Ben this week, Chelsea hoped that Camila would stay in the House due to their friendship.
  • The Bros began to feel that they were running the House.
  • Housemates spent most of the day lounging and relaxing, though tensions grew heavy.

Day 29[edit | edit source]

  • Tensions from yesterday's events carried into today.
  • Brian and Camila had another argument, as did Chelsea and Monica.
  • Nick and Sam attempted to call out Brooke for shifting sides, leading to yet another argument.
  • Ben continued to campaign for votes, though it seemed pointless.
  • By the end of the night, Ben told his allies to evict him and not isolate Camila, knowing he could not get the votes.
  • The housemates spent a fun night together, attempting to mend bridges.

Day 30[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for the live eviction.
  • Much as was expected, Ben was evicted in a seven to one vote.
  • Housemates learned it was a double eviction night.
  • Minutes later, Monica won the "True or False" Head of Household competiton.
  • She nominated Brooke and Ian.
  • Camila, Nick, and Michael were chosen to compete for the Power of Veto; Camila was the winner.
  • Not wanting Chelsea nominated, Camila did not use the Veto.
  • Ian was the second housemate to be evicted before the show ended, only receiving Chelsea's vote.
  • Upset by the loss of two close allies, Brooke, Camila, and Chelsea felt defeated; they formed the Girl Power alliance.
  • Housemates competed in the "I Have a Secret" Head of Household competition; Brooke was the winner.

Week 5[edit | edit source]

Day 31[edit | edit source]

  • With the underdogs in power, they set their sights on Sam - the strongest player on the other side.
  • Michael, Monica, and Nick were this week's Have-Nots.
  • This week's "Into the Groove" task found the housemates making several dances throughout the week.
  • Brian attempted to make amends with Camila to no avail.
  • Monica tried to make a deal with the other women in the House, and they assured her she wasn't the target.
  • Michael and Camila spoke game with one another for the first time.

Day 32[edit | edit source]

  • Sam knew his name had been mentioned, and attempted to make a deal.
  • Nick tried to offer Chelsea and Brooke safety for the next week should he and Sam remain safe.
  • Monica tried once more to band the women together, though was not successful.
  • Brooke chose to nominate Monica and Sam for eviction, with Sam being her target for the week.
  • Camila assured Monica she was safe, smoothing things over.
  • Nick and Sam vowed to win the Power of Veto and save him this week.

Day 33[edit | edit source]

  • The men of the House rallied around Sam.
  • Monica began to realize the vote was flipping, and tried to warn the women to no avail.
  • Max, Camila, and Brian were chosen to compete in the "Haunted Yard" Power of Veto competition; Max was the winner.
  • Nick and Sam asked Max to use the Veto, though he declined as he knew Sam had the votes to stay.
  • Max assured Brooke that he would not be using his Power of Veto this week.

Day 34[edit | edit source]

  • Max debated flipping on the Silent Six and voting to evict Sam.
  • He spoke with Monica about the idea, and alluded to her that the men were planning to evict her.
  • Chelsea and Nick had an argument.
  • Michael continued his strategy of laying low in the House, while still being involved with his alliance.
  • Max spoke with the Girl Power alliance about potentially joining them.

Day 35[edit | edit source]

  • Max chose not to use the Power of Veto at this week's meeting.
  • The men of the House still did not fully trust Max, and questioned his loyalties.
  • Max and Monica continued to discuss a possible vote flip this week.
  • Sam attempted to convince the women to keep him in the House, though their minds did not change.
  • Camila and Michael continued to grow a bond.
  • Girl Power feared that they would be picked off by the men in the House.

Day 36[edit | edit source]

  • Monica pleaded with Max to save her, though he began to have doubts.
  • Having made a final two deal last week, Monica was hurt when Michael didn't promise her his vote.
  • Monica called a House meeting, and attempted to expose the men as plotting against all of the women in the House.
  • Nick and Sam came under heat during the meeting.
  • Despite the evidence performed, the women still believed that Sam would be evicted.
  • Max officially decided to evict Monica.

Day 37[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for the live eviction.
  • Monica attempted to call out multiple housemates prior to the show, causing much drama.
  • In what became another blindside, Monica was evicted from the House in a four to two vote; the girls were her only votes.
  • Following Monica's eviction, Sam won the "Rude Awakening" Head of Household competition.
  • With Monica's eviction, the House was divided by gender.
  • Sam and Nick looked at which of the women should be evicted, with Camila becoming the target.

Week 6[edit | edit source]

Day 38[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates began the "Prank Wars" weekly task.
  • Brian and Michael spoke with Sam about targeting Brooke for eviction this week.
  • Though still loyal to her female alliance, Camila attempted to use her relationship with Michael to remain safe.
  • Camila, Chelsea, and Max became this week's Have-Nots.
  • The Bros alliance continued to remain strong and feel in control of the game.

Day 39[edit | edit source]

  • Max began to realize that the other men did not have his back as much as each other's.
  • Brooke, Camila, and Chelsea vowed to not campaign against one another and let the chips fall where they would.
  • Sam decided to target Brooke for eviction this week.
  • Max confirmed to the women that two of them would be nominated, but he wanted to help them from this point on.
  • Sam chose to nominate Brooke and Camila for eviction this week.
  • Brian and Camila had another argument when he seemingly teased her over her nomination.

Day 40[edit | edit source]

  • Nick, Chelsea, and Michael were chosen to compete for the Power of Veto.
  • The housemates competed in the "Bluff Me a Veto" competition; Sam was the winner.
  • The women began to feel defeated after Sam's victory.
  • Sam and his allies were thrilled with their win this week, and continued to gloat.
  • Chelsea and Max plotted on how to turn the men against one another.

Day 41[edit | edit source]

  • Chelsea and Max believed Brian was the lowest member of the male alliance.
  • Working with Brooke and Camila, they devised a story about how Brian was attempting to align with them to turn on the men.
  • Max spoke with Nick and Sam about this fake betrayal, and the pair began to doubt Brian.
  • They spoke with Brooke and Camila, who confirmed the plan to them. Brian remained unaware of this plot.
  • Brian and Camila had yet another argument.

Day 42[edit | edit source]

  • Sam and Nick spoke to Michael and Max about backdooring Brian this week.
  • The women were brought into the conversation as well, and promised to go along with the plan.
  • Sam chose to use the Power of Veto on Brooke; Brian was nominated in her place.
  • Feeling surprised by his nomination, Brian lashed out as his allies over their betrayal.
  • Brian attempted to plead his case to the men, though they didn't believe him.
  • The women were called out by Brian, and several arguments ensued throughout the House.

Day 43[edit | edit source]

  • With Brian continuing to plead his case, the men began to doubt the story they had been told.
  • Realizing they had made a mistake, The Bros spoke with Max about keeping Brian in the House; he agreed with them.
  • Max reported back to the women about this plan, and promised he would not keep Brian.
  • The housemates passed their weekly task.
  • Several more arguments ensued this week due to the drama that had occurred.
  • The men believed they secured the votes to evict Camila.

Day 44[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for the live eviction, with both nominees feeling safe.
  • The men of the House were surprised when Brian was evicted in a three to two vote.
  • The group learned it would be a double eviction.
  • Camila won the "Diary Room Confessionals" Head of Household competition.
  • She nominated Michael and Nick for eviction, with Nick being her target as he had the best chance of winning in her opinion.
  • Sam, Brooke, and Chelsea were chosen to compete for the Power of Veto.
  • Camila won the "Snag the Veto" competition.
  • She chose not to use the Power of Veto on either nominee.
  • Nick was evicted in a three to one vote.
  • With Michael and Sam having lost two allies in one night, their backs were against the wall.
  • Sam went on to win the "BB Golf" Head of Household competition.

Week 7[edit | edit source]

Day 45[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates awoke to learn of a second Wildcard housemate competition.
  • The remaining six competed in the "Something's Different Here..." competition; Brooke was the secret winner.
  • Sam and Michael decided to target Brooke for eviction this week.
  • Housemates were given the "BB Hotel" task this week, in which guests would "check in" and had to be accommodated by the housemates.
  • Shavan from season one entered the House as a hotel guest.
  • The group spent the night talking with Shavan about his experience on the show as well as their own.

Day 46[edit | edit source]

  • Brooke opted not to reveal her competition win to her fellow housemates.
  • Shavan had private talks with all of the housemates, and gave them advice in the game; he was not permitted to share outside information.
  • Michael and Sam knew they did not hold the secret power, and feared their nominations could backfire.
  • Sam chose to nominate Brooke and Chelsea for eviction.
  • The women plotted to help Chelsea win this week's Power of Veto, allowing them all to remain safe this week if successful.

Day 47[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for an important competition.
  • The housemates were surprised to find this week's Power of Veto host was season one housemate Tia Jones.
  • Chelsea was the winner of the "OTEV Returns" competition.
  • Tia revealed that she had booked a room in the "BB Hotel" for one night.
  • The housemates had an alcohol delivery, and spent the night bonding and playing games with their guests.
  • Though the women were upset, they vowed to get Max named the replacement nominee.

Day 48[edit | edit source]

  • Tia exited the House that morning.
  • Shavan continued to provide moral support and advice to the housemates.
  • Sam and Michael discussed whether Camila or Max should be the replacement nominee, unsure of which route to take.
  • The women attempted to sway their opinion, though the men didn't seem to budge.
  • By the time the night was up, Michael and Sam decided it was crucial to split the tight knit female alliance up.

Day 49[edit | edit source]

  • Chelsea chose to use the Power of Veto on herself, with Camila being named the replacement nominee.
  • Brooke and Camila promised to remain friends outside of the House.
  • Chelsea confirmed to both women that she would be keeping Camila this week; Brooke was understanding.
  • Feeling hopeless, Brooke attempted to make a deal with the men.
  • She confirmed to Michael and Sam that she had the secret power, and told them that they could control the vote this week.
  • She urged them to keep her, promising to evict Max next week if she remained in the House.

Day 50[edit | edit source]

  • Max promised Camila she had his vote, and she felt someone secure in the House.
  • Brooke continued to attempt to make a deal with Michael and Sam, and the pair began to lean her way.
  • Shavan exited the House, with the housemates sad to see him go.
  • The housemates felt the pressure increase with the finish line only three weeks away.
  • The final six spent a fun night together.

Day 51[edit | edit source]

  • Housemates prepared for the live eviction.
  • Camila was shocked to learn that Brooke had the Wildcard power, and had nullified Max's vote to keep her.
  • With a split vote, Sam was required to cast the tie-breaker vote; he evicted Camila.
  • Housemates began competing in the "Laundry Day" slip-and-slide Head of Household competition; Brooke was the winner.
  • Despite not having her vote, Brooke and Chelsea remained close as ever.
  • Brooke informed Chelsea of the deal she had made, and decided she would honor it and target Max this week.

Schedule[edit | edit source]

  • HoH: Laundry Day
  • PoV: Morphomatic 2.0
  • HoH: Before or After
  • PoV: BB Decoder
  • HoH: King of the Jungle
  • HoH: Chain of Commands
  • HoH: Jury Statements