Ozzie Campbell

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Ozzie Campbell was a housemate on the first season of Big Brother. He entered the House on Day 1. Ozzie soon developed a romantic relationship with Tommie, and became the first Head of Household of the season. He targeted Bree for eviction, as she was the least liked person in the House, and succeeded in evicting her. He became the third HoH of the season, and targeted Brad for eviction due to the majority being against the Tres Hermanos alliance. Ozzie's strength in the competitions placed a target on his back, and he was a victim of the show's first official backdoor on Day 37. He became the first member of the jury, and voted for Tommie to win. He has continued to be a fan of the show since his departure, and continues to appear on The Big Brother Mash-Up to discuss the latter seasons of the game.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Osbourne "Ozzie" Campbell was born and raised in Wyoming. Having experienced a troubled childhood, he left home at sixteen and traveled to New Hampshire to live with his uncle. He got a job as a mechanic and worked hard to save money and make a better life for himself. When he was nineteen, his uncle died and he went through a spell of depression and personal troubles. Upon entering a better headspace, he became a volunteer for local children shelters and spoke with them about their options and opportunities in life. He decided when he was twenty-two that he wanted to travel and see the world, and be one with nature. He departed for his journey and has continued to travel since. He auditioned for the show as it was a new experience, and he felt that the universe pushed him to it. He cited being trapped in a small town as his biggest fear, and leaving his childhood home behind as his biggest accomplishment. He hoped to use the prize money to continue to travel, should he win the season.

Ozzie entered the House on Day 1. He became the first Head of Household after winning the "BB Bug" competition on Day 2. He began a romantic relationship with Tommie, and developed a bond with several of the men in the House. He targeted outsider Bree for eviction that week, and was successful. When the House discovered the Tres Hermanos alliance and attempted to band against them, Ozzie found himself joining the Secret Six alliance. He won the "High and Low" Head of Household competition on Day 16, his second victory of the season. He promised his new allies that he would evict one of the men this week, and attempted to appease the men by promising to nominate a woman as well. He nominated Annalise and Brad for eviction that week. He won the "Garden of Veto" competition on Day 19, and chose to leave his nominations intact; Brad was evicted. His decision to nominate Annalise as well as his success in competitions led many to become weary of Ozzie, and the target on his back grew for almost all of the housemates. Though he was considered as a possible target in the fourth week, which was a double eviction, he remained safe as Brandon and Kat were evicted.

Shavan came into power after the double eviction, and assured Ozzie that he would be targeting Stallone for eviction that week. Despite this, he spoke with several housemates about a plan to backdoor Ozzie this week. Andy and Stallone were nominated for eviction, with Stallone winning the Power of Veto that week. Despite Tommie attempting to warn Ozzie about a potential backdoor, he chose not to listen as he trusted Shavan's word. Ozzie was nominated for eviction on Day 35 as a replacement nominee for Stallone. His nomination caused several arguments in the House, and he was ultimately evicted in a five to one vote on Day 37. He became the first member of the jury, and spent thirty five days in the jury house. He voted for Tommie to win the series, due to their close bond in the House.

Since appearing on the show, Ozzie has resumed traveling the world. He and Tommie initially attempted to have a long-distance relationship, though this did not work and the couple split. With the show giving him a platform, Ozzie launched a travel blog documenting his journey across the globe. The blog gained a large amount of followers, and he went on to be mentioned in articles for Time magazine, among others. His care-free attitude and performance in the game have led to him being popular among fans of the show, and he has made frequent appearances on The Big Brother Mash-Up as a result.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Win
PoV Loss
Week 2 HoH Didn't compete
PoV Loss
Week 3 HoH Win
PoV Win
Week 4 HoH Didn't compete
HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 5 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete

Have-Not status[edit | edit source]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have-Not
Week 5 Have

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Ozzie was the first Head of Household in the show's history.
  • Ozzie is the first housemate to win multiple Head of Household competitions.
  • He is additionally the first housemate to win two HoH competitions in a row, winning the first and third competitions in season one.
  • Ozzie is also the first housemate to hold the title of HoH and Power of Veto holder in the same week.
  • He is the first housemate to become a jury member.
  • Ozzie has spent a total of thirty-seven days inside the House.

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