Cameron Chen

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Cameron Chen was a housemate on the first season of Big Brother. She entered the House on Day 1, and from the start found herself with several friends in the House. She was nominated for eviction in the second week as a pawn, and became the victim of the show's first blindside when she was evicted from the House on Day 16. She has appeared on the The Big Brother Mash-Up show, discussing events taking place in the House during future seasons.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Cameron Chen was born in Florida, to parents who had migrated to the country from Korea. Due to their heritage, Cameron's parents kept their daughter very sheltered. She admits to having grown up with some closed-minded views, though has since changed her stance. When she was eighteen, she moved out of her parent's home and lived in New York, a move which she says changed her life. Cameron developed a "party girl" mindset, and attempts to make every day fun for herself. She applied for the show as she wanted to do something crazier than ever before, and never expected to make it into the cast. In her pre-season interviews, Cameron described herself as the "life of the party" and a free spirit. Her goal in life was to open her own night club, and should that be successful open several restaurants and bars. She stated that the hardest thing to leave behind would be her cats, who she had never been apart from in three years. She cited her parents finding her Twitter as her biggest fear, and moving to New York as her greatest accomplishment. She hoped to use the money from the show to launch a business, should she make it to the end.

Cameron entered the House on Day 1. She quickly made friends with housemates such as Brandon and Andy, the latter of which helped her escape nomination in the first week. She and Andy began to form a romantic relationship towards the end of the first week, and a night of drinking led to things escalating between the pair. The pair began to feel awkward about their budding relationship, and had what would become the show's first breakup in the House. Despite her friendship with Brandon, his Tres Hermanos alliance pushed him to nominate Cameron as a pawn in the second week against Tommie. Though she tearfully pleaded for safety, she eventually agreed to be a pawn. Cameron was nominated for eviction on Day 11. She began to notice that a plan was in motion to keep Tommie this week, though Brandon and his allies refused to believe her. She and the men of the Tres Hermanos alliance were blindsided on Day 16 when Cameron was evicted from the House in a six to four vote.

Upon leaving the House, Cameron resumed her lifestyle of partying and going out every night. She began doing paid club appearances, which led to several hosting gigs in which she began to turn a good profit. She remained good friends with Brandon after the show, and the pair hung out multiple times after his eviction from the House. She made an appearance on the premiere season of The Big Brother Mash-Up, talking about the new batch of housemates and events that were taking place in the House that season. Though Cameron did not start her own business, she decided to go to college and became a registered nurse. She went on to get married, and the couple moved to Rhode Island to live normal lives.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 2 HoH Loss
PoV Loss

Have-Not status[edit | edit source]

Week 1 Have-Not
Week 2 Have-Not

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Cameron is the first Asian housemate.
  • She is the victim of the show's first major blindside.
  • Cameron has spent a total of sixteen days inside the House.

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Images[edit | edit source]
