Ben Burns

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Benjamin "Ben" Burns was a housemate on the second season of Big Brother. He entered the House on Day 1. He became a member of the Quatro alliance, and was seen as a big threat by the opposing side. He was nominated for eviction in the second week, though won the Power of Veto and removed himself from the block. He was nominated for a second time in the fourth week, this time against Camila. Though his allies hoped to save him, he was seen as too big of a threat by the other housemates and was evicted on Day 30.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Benjamin "Ben" Burns was born and raised in Tennessee. He joined the railroad soon after high school, and set himself up for financial success. He got married when he was twenty-one, and the couple welcomed their first child two years later. Their second child was born almost two more years later. He and his wife divorced only a year and a half later due to a drug addiction on her part, making Ben a single father. Though his ex-wife is no longer a part of their lives, his parents continue to help due to his demanding job. He became a fan of the series as his brother watched the previous season, and applied in part as a joke. He hoped that being a father would make the other housemates underestimate him in the game. Ben described himself as an old-fashioned country man, and listed his favorite activities as hunting, fishing, and spending time with his two sons. He listed season one housemate Stallone Morales as his favorite previous contestant.

Ben entered the House on Day 1. He became a member of the Quatro alliance in the first week, and attempted to get Sam evicted. The plan failed, and the opposing side came into power with the next Head of Household competition. Ben developed a target on his back as he was seen as the strong competitor of his allies, and he was nominated against Jasmin on Day 11. He won the Power of Veto competition the next day, and would remove himself from the block later that week. Though he survived the week, his ally Jasmin was evicted. Chelsea became the new HoH, bringing Ben and his allies back into power. Though they planned to evict Michael, Michelle was evicted that week in another blindside vote. Max, who had remained neutral in the game thus far, nominated Camila and Ian for eviction the next week. When Brian won the Power of Veto, he removed Ian from the block and replaced him with Ben. Despite a strong campaign on Ben's part, he was evicted from the House on Day 30.

Upon leaving the House, Ben returned to life as a parent and worker. He has made no appearances in the series outside of contractual obligations. He went on to get re-married some time after the show, with several of his fellow housemates in attendance. Ben was a popular housemate among fans, who viewed him as a loving and devoted father. He continues to speak about the series on occasion with fans, though has made no effort to join the franchise again.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 2 HoH Loss
PoV Win
Week 3 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 4 HoH Loss
PoV Loss

Have-Not status[edit | edit source]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have-Not
Week 4 Have-Not

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is the first father to compete on the series.
  • Ben came in eleventh place in a rough draft of the season as well.
  • He has spent a total of thirty days inside the House.

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