Becki Sharma

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Becki Sharma was a housemate on the fourth season of Sims Big Brother.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Becki Sharma was born and raised in California. Her parents are from Pakistan, and came to the United States before she was born. Becki was very athletic, and competed in a number of sports while in school. She claimed that she was a tomboy and got along better with men than women. Becki had not seen the show prior to entering the House, and was cast after being found at a nightclub. She believed that her biggest strength would be her athleticism and her greatest weakness would be "yelling at everyone" in the game. Her plan going into the game was to work closely with the men. Becki claimed that she could break the record for the most competitions won in a single season. She hoped to use the prize money, should she win the season, to buy a house and new car.

Becki entered the House on Day 1.