Tim Dayton

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Timothy "Tim" Dayton was a housemate on the third season of Big Brother.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Timothy "Tim" Dayton was born and raised in Rhode Island. He described himself as a party-boy growing up, and was shocked to learn at nineteen that he had gotten a girl pregnant the year prior and she had a child. He met his daughter when she was three months old. Tim claims that this experience turned his life around, as he wanted to be a man that his child could be proud of. He has split custody of his daughter, and cites her as his motivation to make it through every day. Tim has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for three years. He has been a fan of the series since it began, and listed Stallone Morales as his favorite former housemate. He hoped to use the prize money, should he win the series, to set his daughter up for the future that she wanted to have.

Tim entered the House on Day 1. He was a founder of the Armageddon alliance in the first week, consisting of five men. This was the ultimate catalyst of the gender divide in the first few weeks of the game. When this began to end, Tim joined the Six Shooter alliance. In a risky move, Tim volunteered as a pawn when his ally Marcel was Head of Household. Their plan was a success when he won the Power of Veto that week and removed himself from the block, allowing them to nominate a target for eviction. He remained loyal to this group until he was nominated against alliance member Andrew on Day 38. Seen as the bigger threat of the two, Tim was evicted from the House on Day 43. He became the first member of the jury. He was met with a positive reaction from fans after he left the House.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 2 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 3 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 4 HoH Loss
PoV Win
HoH Loss
PoV Loss
Week 5 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete
Week 6 HoH Loss
PoV Loss

Have-Not status[edit | edit source]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have-Not
Week 5 Have
Week 6 Have-Not

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Tim spent a total of forty-three days inside the House.

Related pages[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]