Roberto Conte

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Roberto Conte was a housemate on the third season of Big Brother.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Roberto Conte was born and raised in Italy. He traveled to the United States often as his brother lives in the country and owns a restaurant. He claims that the only thing he loves more than women is food, and that he hopes to use his cooking skills to win the hearts of his fellow housemates. Roberto described himself as a momma's boy, and listed her as what he would miss most while inside the House. He was married once, but got divorced due to unfaithfulness on his part. He has since only been in polyamorous relationships, though claims that none of those have lasted long either. He hoped to use the prize money, should he win, to help his family and invest in his brother's business. He claimed that if he were to win the series he would move to the United States.

Roberto entered the House on Day 1. He immediately gravitated towards the women, and was often found flirting in the House. He had close friendships with several of the men, but was not included in the Armageddon alliance as they did not believe they could trust him. When the House began to divide by gender, Head of Household Hiro came up with the idea to nominate Roberto as a replacement nominee. This would show the women that not all of the men were working together without actively putting his allies in danger. Though Hiro and his alliance felt confident that they had the votes to keep him, Roberto was blindsided on Day 8 when he was evicted in a seven to five vote. He was given the task of giving one housemate safety for the next week, and chose his best friend in the game, Imran. Since exiting the House, Roberto has returned to Italy and lives a fairly normal life. He has not appeared on the series outside of his contractual obligations for the season.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Loss
PoV Didn't compete

Have-Not status[edit | edit source]

Week 1 Have-Not

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Roberto spent a total of eight days inside the House.
  • He is the first male housemate to be evicted in the first week of the game.

Related pages[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]