Ramsey Borders

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Ramsey Borders was a housemate on the first season of Big Brother: Danger Zone. He entered the House on Day 1. Ramsey earned the respect of viewers due to his background in the military, and his fun yet calm demeanor kept him popular amongst viewers. He was crowned the winner of the season on Day 30.

Background[edit | edit source]

Ramsey Borders was born and raised in Wyoming. His father was in the military, as was his grandfather. Much like them, Ramsey enlisted into the Navy when he was eighteen, and remained a member until he was discharged due to medical issues. He had been married, though the couple separated only months prior to the start of the season. He was a big supporter of animals, and had a number of rescue dogs that he lived with. Ramsey had watched the first season prior to applying, and listed Andy Finley as his favorite former housemate due to his sense of humor. He expressed an interest in finding a romantic relationship in the House, though this did not happen. He hoped to use the prize money, should he win the series, to donate to several animal charities and help his family.

Ramsey entered the House on Day 1. He was well liked by the viewers from the start, and his popularity amongst the other housemates secured him an easy rode to victory. He was nominated in the second week, though survived this vote by a wide margin. He made it to the show's finale on Day 30, where he was crowned the winner with 37% of the public vote. He was met with a positive reception upon exiting the House, and has often spoke fondly about his time in the House. He remains a fan of the series, and has expressed an interest on multiple occasions to participate in the more strategy-based main series. He has appeared on The Big Brother Mash-Up a number of times since his initial season, and as a winner of the series was inducted into the show's Hall of Fame when it was formed.

List of appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Ramsey spent a total of thirty days inside the House.

Related pages[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]

  • Ramsey2.jpg