BBWC1 summary

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The following is a list of events that occurred in the first season of Big Brother: Wildcards.[1][2][3]

Week 1[edit | edit source]

  • The original ten housemates entered the House on Day 1.
  • Soon after meeting one another, the housemates began the endurance Head of Household competition.
  • Tevin was the winner of the challenge.
  • Housemates were told that this season would have a large amount of twists that would keep them on their toes during the season.
  • Aimee and Susanne agreed to work together. Ashleigh and Dustin grew close.
  • Chris and Dustin formed a final two deal on the first night, vowing to remain loyal.
  • On Day 2, the housemates learned of the Wildcard competition and the effects it would have on the game.
  • The winner of the competition would earn the power to nominate a housemate for eviction, while the runner-up would be safe from eviction.
  • Chris anonymously won the challenge, while Paul came in second.
  • Tevin was unsure of how to approach this week, and Susanne used this as an opportunity to take control.
  • She pushed him to nominate Ashleigh and Dustin due to their budding relationship.
  • On Day 3, Tevin chose to nominate Ashleigh and Dustin for eviction. Dustin was his target.
  • The housemates were shocked that night when it was revealed the Wildcard winner would name a third nominee; Susanne was announced as this nominee.
  • Chris nominated her as he believed it would help Dustin remain in the game.
  • On Day 4, a mystery guest named Danielle entered the House to host this week's Power of Veto competition.
  • Aimee and Chris were chosen to compete in the spelling challenge.
  • Chris won the competition, with Dustin coming in second and Ashleigh in third.
  • Danielle was announced as the eleventh housemate.
  • Housemates were given a party that night to celebrate the new arrival into the House.
  • Chris chose to remove Dustin from the block on Day 6, with Aimee being nominated in his place. This meant three women faced eviction.
  • The housemates believed there were seven votes this week.
  • Chris and Dustin worked hard to secure Ashleigh the votes to stay, and got Je'Raldo and Raquelle on board.
  • The five formed an alliance known as the Fifth Element.
  • Narinder, Paul, Susanne, and Tevin hoped to see Aimee stay this week but failed to have the votes.
  • This group of five formed the Big Sister alliance.
  • Danielle would not vote to keep Ashleigh but did express interest in working with that side of the House as she liked the men.
  • On Day 9, the housemates learned that the viewers would be casting a vote as well.
  • This twist led to an unexpected tie in the voting, and Tevin broke it in favor of evicting Ashleigh.

Week 2[edit | edit source]

  • Paul and Narinder for Veto

References[edit | edit source]

  1. news
  2. news
  3. news