Sims BB Hall of Fame

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The Hall of Fame is a section in the studio that The Big Brother Mash-Up is filmed in.[1][2] It honors outstanding former housemates that made an impact on the game during their time in the House.[3][4][5][6] There are a total of five members thus far.[7][8][9]

History[edit | edit source]

The idea for the Hall of Fame came after a joke made by Andy Finley.[10][11][12] Producers decided that it would be a good idea to honor the show's history throughout later seasons.[13][14][15][16] Season one housemates Shavan Brooks and Tommie Davis were the first inductees into the Hall of Fame.[17][18][19] Though it started as a section on the wall with their pictures,[20] it was later upgraded to its own room with memorabilia from the members time in the House as well as multiple photos.[21][22][23] Beginning with the third season, future inductees were given a ceremony to commemorate their addition.[24][25]

Hall of Fame members[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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