Big Brother: Danger Zone

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From Sims Viewing Company
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Big Brother: Danger Zone is the second spin-off series in the Sims Big Brother franchise.[1][2] The series follows the international version's format,[3][4] with the public voting to evict one housemate each week.[5][6][7] Seasons are half the length of those in the main show.[8][9][10][11]

History[edit | edit source]

Plans for a spin-off series that allowed the viewers to vote were in the works after the first season of the main series ended.[12][13][14][15] It was decided that the show would be half the length of a normal season to prevent fans from getting tired of the show.[16][17][18][19] The first season was a ratings success,[20] exceeding the network's expectations for the show.[21][22][23] The second season of the spin-off was greenlit one week before the premiere season ended.[24][25][26]

Series details[edit | edit source]

Main series
Season Cast Days Winner
1 9 30 Ramsey Borders
2 13 71 Liam Grant

References[edit | edit source]

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